Carifree CTx3 Rinse
Do you ever wonder why some people get cavities despite excellent oral hygiene habits while others who rarely brush and floss do not? Can a person really be cavity prone?
There are several factors to consider. Cavities are caused by a bacterial imbalance in your mouth. The experts at CariFree have developed a complete product line to correct and protect your mouth for a lifetime. There are five science-based agents in their products. This CTx3 rinse contains three: xylitol, fluoride and CariFree’s unique, patented pH+ technology to neutralize the acids in your mouth.
- The high pH levels in CariFree’s products neutralize the decay-causing acids and fix your decay problem at its
source. As your food break down in your mouth while chewing, your mouth becomes more acidic. Normally your saliva would wash away these acids and help neutralize your environment. If you have a dry mouth, bad breath, or are constantly snacking, this rinse can reduce your chances of developing cavities.
- Xylitol stimulates your saliva production and starves the odor-causing bacteria. Saliva is one of the most important protective mechanisms for your teeth. It assists food digestion, balances the pH levels in your mouth, and supports remineralization of your teeth.
- Every day, minerals are added to and lost from a tooth's enamel layer through two processes, demineralization and remineralization. Minerals are lost (demineralization) from a tooth's enamel layer when acids -- formed from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth -- attack the enamel. Minerals such as fluoride, calcium, and phosphate are redeposited (remineralization) to the enamel layer from the foods and waters consumed. Too much demineralization without enough remineralization to repair the enamel layer leads to tooth decay. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. It also reverses early decay.
Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for a Caries Risk Assessment today and keep your mouth healthy for life.